Vienna, Austria

1:1 Meetings

Key Note Presentations

Panel Discussions

Round Table Conversations
The world of payments is becoming more and more popular thanks to technologies that are evolving rapidly day by day and arousing interest of the sector and financial professionals.
Global Payments Summit organized by Uniglobal will bring together the most influential industry professionals to discuss main challenges, opportunities and threats of payment society.
Key professionals together with area experts will share their knowledge, experience and points of view on certain topics of interest. Are we ready for Cashless World? Lending can be a simple answer to make payments profitable. Money that knows what to do with itself. Future is digital, real-time payments is now or how are we adopting to technologies used in Crypto and include them for seamless Payments experience. These are just some of the topics which will be discussed during the 2-day event.
If this is something of your interest, you should join us in Vienna and become a part of Global Payments Summit. With You we can make it greater!
Registered Companies Include

Where and When?
1-2 December 2022