5th Annual Corporate Tax Summit
25-26 October 2018
Berlin, Germany
The digitalisation and automation of business functions has changed the way many corporations operate. Increased scrutiny from regulatory bodies has also changed the shape of the Corporate Tax landscape significantly. With increased demand from regulators for the reporting of tax related operations, Corporate Tax departments are seeking new ways to manage these demands in order to remain compliant and minimise their reputational risk.
Join us at the 5th Annual Corporate Tax Summit to learn from and share your experiences with some of the world’s leading Corporate Tax professionals as we discuss recent developments, current trends and the future of Corporate Tax management.

Roderick Sayers
Independent Tax Expert

Dr. Raffaele Petruzzi
Managing Director
WU Transfer Pricing Centre, Austria

Ivan Dimitrov
Group Tax Strategy, Transfer Pricing & Projects
Deutsche Post DHL Group, Germany

Charalambos Antoniou
Director, Tax and Legal Services
PwC, Switzerland

Andrei Belinski
Head of International Tax
Centrica, UK

Dr. Adolf Poindl
Head of Group Tax
Megatech Industries GmbH, Austria

Andrea Lee
Head of International Tax
Erste Group Bank AG, Austria

Stanislava Manolova
Tax Manager
PORR AG, Austria

Dr. Achim Pross
Head of the International Co-operation and Tax Administration
OECD, France

Harm J. Oortwijn
Senior Manager, Tax
Whirlpool Corporation, Italy

Tim Mathey
Director European Tax
Electronic Arts, Switzerland

Maria Grigoryeva
Senior Associate
Transfer Pricing Associates BV, The Netherlands

Dr. Yves Hervé
Managing Director
NERA Economic Consulting

Philip de Homont
Associate Director
NERA Economic Consulting

Emmanuel Llinares
Managing Director – Chair of the Global TP Practice
NERA Economic Consulting

Dr. Clemens Nowotny

Dr. Jochen Bahns
Partner Lawyer, Tax Consultant
Flick Gocke Schaumburg Partnerschaft mbB

Andreas Riedl
Director, Transfer Pricing
WTS, Germany

Donata Koreń
Lead International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Zalando SE., Germany

Xavier Xivillé
Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, S.L.P., Spain

Luis Carrillo
Director – Tax & Transfer Pricing Solutions
Bureau van Dijk – A Moody’s Analytics Company

Donata Koreń
Lead International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Moore Stephens Central Audit Sp. Z o.o., Poland

Xavier Xivillé
GSK Luxembourg SA, Luxembourg

Luis Carrillo
Director – Tax & Transfer Pricing Solutions
Deloitte, The Netherlands

Yang Yan
Manager US Tax Desk
Baker Tilly Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH
“Excellent opportunity to share ideas and exchange views with others. I especially enjoyed the interactive lunch as a platform to also discuss in a smaller round. Thanks for the informative conference!”
— Tax Expert – Global Transfer Pricing, OMV, Austria
“Very good experience! Good crowd of people and a lot of interaction!”
— Senior manager, TP, WTS, Germany
“Good panel of speakers and high level of presentations.”
— Group Tax Manager, FERRERO, Luxembourg
“Very good experience, a lot of opportunity for networking, practical insight.”
— Director European Tax, Electronic Arts, Switzerland
Who Should Attend?
- Heads of Tax
- Tax Managers
- Corporate Tax Solution Providers
- Tax-focused Software Developers
- Tax Lawyers
- Tax Advisers
- Transfer Pricing Managers
Why Should Experts Attend Our Event?
- Meet the world’s market-leading companies in the sector
- A unique platform to share know-how among Microfinance experts
- Gain insights into the minute issues in the Interactive Discussion Sessions
- Listen to the best-practice examples and the lessons learned from the local experiences
- Grow your professional network, and discuss potential collaborations with the industry peers
- Gain comparative perspectives on the region
- Gain a competitive advantage in a rapidly changing business environment
- Influence and help shape future trends in the sector
- Find practical solutions for challenges your organization is facing
Where and When?
Berlin, Germany
25-26 October 2018
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